

Dr. Mitch is a unique and insightful speaker who led a thought-provoking webinar on health, both mental and physical, for our clients. We received positive feedback and are grateful for the valuable insights and tools he provided to the attendees. The inclusion of practical knowledge and exercises was especially helpful.”

- Benjamin Klein, Portfolio Manager Director, Baskin Wealth Management

This was such an enjoyable and inspiring experience! Every lecture was engaging and thought-provoking, with exercises that demonstrated the power of the knowledge shared. Dr. Mitch presents a solid, science-backed case for a conscious healthcare model that would greatly benefit healthcare workers and patients alike.”

- Jackie Obermeyer, Ph.D., Canada

Dr. Mitch is a bold and dynamic speaker who captivates his audience through a totally unique and brilliant explanation of individual, organizational and global health. He’s able to scientifically describe energy and explain how individuals and organizations can unlock their potential by embodying these perspectives and best managing their energy. Women in particular have been affected by the stress born from this pandemic and will benefit exponentially from Dr. Mitch’s programs. As women take on disproportionate childcare and household responsibilities, they often do not have the bandwidth to care for their own mental health. Dr. Mitch’s programs provide a desperately needed roadmap, particularly for the most stressed, burned out and overburdened among us, to begin rekindling their vitality and intrinsic health. His message is truly a paradigm shift that we all need to understand and is as relevant to each individual as it is for influential business and global leaders.

- RLR & Associates Inc.

It is not often that I can unequivocally recommend someone as wholeheartedly as I can extol the virtues and skill of Dr. Abrams and the programming he recommends for therapeutic well-being. I support his work as an enthusiastic lay person and I have worked in the field of mental health as a counselor for over forty years. In that time I have rarely encountered a doctor so dedicated to wellness , not only from a medical perspective but a holistic approach that incorporates the mind, body and the spirit. His methodology was developed from his personal experiences in the health field, but there is never any doubt that he has the empirical evidence to back up his practice. His concentration on stress reduction through art music and mindful meditation is not only timely, but it is eternal. It plugs into the shortcomings of our modern approaches while offering time proven and empirically tested solutions to the issues of medicine as it is practiced now in our limited health care system. In the emphasis of mindful meditation he has allowed us a window into the unlimited use of our brains in the healing process. It cannot only harness positive energy to heal our inner voices but can be used to heal communities and society in a much broader application than has been generally considered. In my opinion Dr. Abrams is a healer and a visionary and I don’t believe I am overstating the case when I use these words.”

- Goldie Wassermuhl. B.A. M.Ed.

Dr. Mitchell Abram’s session on The Science of Consciousness was incredibly insightful. Even through a virtual platform, Mitch is engaging and made it easy to connect to the topic. Not only was the information applicable to medical practice, but also useful to all participants in their daily lives with applicable and tangible takeaways.

- Melanie Osmond; Event Assistant, Southlake Regional Health Centre Foundation

What a lovely way to be a part of something. In a world where I have been feeling very lost, I now feel like I’m part of something. It feels like I can help and serve others as well as myself. It’s not just self-care, it’s taking care of us all. To have this sense of togetherness and community, especially at a time like this has been so impactful for me. I wholeheartedly am beyond grateful for this opportunity to heal myself and others.”

-Christina Fraleigh, MRT; Canada

I have been feeling incoherent and totally scattered all week- which affected my health- and after doing a 20 min group meditation last night and tonight, along with my 5 minutes individual time I shifted from hopeless to happy. Two days. For me this can take up to or more then a week. I have no words right now. So grateful and amazed that my beliefs in energy and what has been so im-balanced (dis-ease) for me for so long, has already seen a shift. I walk into the weekend happy and hopeful.”

-Abigayle, Stouffville, Ontario, Canada

My heart is full of joy and hope. The knowledge that my intention and connecting to others in the same energy vibration can help to make this world a better place for all is what I have been looking for. Thank you.

-Liliana Gramada

The content was great and Dr. Abrams is an expert and really coherent. For us in my country Guatemala we need this type of information because we don’t have much access [to it] and it help[s] us to expand our vision and consciousness.

-Nando Lara, Guatemala

I work with special education students and my own children have ADHD and anxiety. I cannot wait to teach my children and my students the Laserr protocol and help them learn to self-regulate better. I am confident that with regular practice their marks will improve, their focus will improve and their connections with others will improve. This small change will ultimately have a HUGE impact for their lives. I am so excited. Thank you for sharing your passion with all of us

-Shana, Toronto

For people who are not familiar with ENERGY and who they truly are, this two day class can be life changing and eye opening. It was a mind-blowing experience. I will be watching it again

-Lamya Kory

I love the way Dr Abrams makes everything so simple and approachable. His tools are applicable for any person who wants to create a life without stress and more joy.”

-Diane Tas, Fullscript
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