Keynote Lectures

Half-Day To Multi-Day Workshops

Experiential Retreats

Continuing Medical Education

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NexGenHealth is focused on changing the way we think of and deliver wellness, not only in our healthcare system but also in our communities.

Our pursuit is to change the narrative and culture around self-care, and to educate people about the science of connection and its impact on our collective health.

Our pursuit is to change the narrative and culture around self-care, and to educate people about the science of connection and its impact on our collective health.

We can all become practitioners of health and participate in the design and delivery of more evolved systems.

Hello, I'm Dr. Mitch Abrams.

It is my passion to inspire the implementation of mindful and heartful strategies in healthcare, organizations and the community, to support individual and collective health. I personally experienced significant symptoms of burnout in my very first year of full-time Radiology practice. The medical system should support practitioners to lead by example, but instead, our current model challenges all aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The medical community is not alone in its vulnerability to burnout and compassion fatigue. As a society we are more exhausted, anxious and burned out than ever before. We have the research to support a better approach to wellness, yet the old mindset and ingrained values hold us back from leveraging our greatest potential as healers and leaders. The more we begin operating as a society that understands how personal health affects our collective well-being, the more we will be able to nurture these connections, address the rampant burnout, anxiety, and depression in our society today, and come together in our common humanity.


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Dr. Mitchell Abrams

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Jody Bresgi


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Empowering Individuals

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Laying the foundation for healthy and thriving communities

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Stitching the social fabric together

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Empowering Individuals

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Laying the foundation for healthy and thriving communities

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Stitching the social fabric together

Dr. Mitchell Abrams

Founder, CEO

Dr. Mitchell Abrams is a Canadian radiologist, keynote speaker, teacher and founder of NexGenHealth Ltd. Abrams completed his medical degree and radiology speciality from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, holds a subspecialty in cross-sectional imaging from the University of Toronto and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Dr. Abrams is an associate professor at Michael G Degroote School of Medical Sciences and was interim department chair of Diagnostic Imaging at Cambridge Memorial Hospital.


As a certified educator of applied compassion through Stanford School of Medicine’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE), Dr. Abrams has created a sustainable fundraising initiative in support of mental health and resilience training for youth education, communities in need, and to support clinical research. This model creates the framework for NexGenHealth’s social impact, leveraging art, music and technology as tools to educate, heal and inspire.


Early in his radiology career, Dr. Abrams was diagnosed with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy, a disease that can lead to sudden cardiac death in seemingly fit and healthy young people. He required open heart surgery in order to prevent the worst-case scenario. It was this experience as patient, coupled with his roles as physician and department chair, that provided him with an intimate view of our healthcare system, allowing him to see the limitations and gaps in our current model of care.

This realization became a passion and drove him down a path of research and experiential learning with experts around the globe, looking at different approaches to healing. In particular, Dr. Abrams’ background in radiology and his understanding of physics, supported a deep investigation into the nature of energy and our interconnectedness as it pertains to health and wellness. The intersection between his life in science and this powerful experience with healing, provided the foundation of what his life-mission has become – to support and promote a more holistic model of healthcare and to bring forth a new paradigm in self-care, patient care, and community wellness.

“As a physician and a patient, I embarked on a journey to identify a more holistic and more effective approach to healing and health. I spent over a decade investigating, practicing, researching and amalgamating my learning in order to bring this knowledge to you. I come to you with personal stories, the latest research and a new vision for a brighter and more harmonious vision for humanity.” – Dr. Mitch Abram

Jody Bresgi,

Director of Operations and Clinical Research

Jody obtained a Bachelor of Arts (honours) in the department of Film and Video from York University and a Masters in Business from Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario. Jody’s passion for health and wellness led her to become a certified nutritional practitioner and graduate as the valedictorian of her program at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition.

As the co-founder of Canadian Men’s Clinic, a medical clinic specializing in men’s health, Jody has played a critical role in improving the health and well-being of countless individuals. Her certification as a Certified Research Coordinator (CCRC) and extensive experience in running phase 3 and 4 clinical trials in men’s health, supports her dual role in clinical research and operations at NexGenHealth. 

Jody is passionate about helping people transition to a healthier lifestyle through diet, exercise and other holistic approaches.  She is a firm believer in the importance of self-care, access to nature, and connection, and inspires others to prioritize these areas in their lives.  


With her expertise and understanding for the body’s powerful capacity to heal and thrive, Jody continues to make a positive impact on the lives of those around her.

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