To Become Certified Artist Residents Must:

Be accepted through the application process.

Complete all course modules and exercises within 45 days of acceptance date

Complete a final RADDical A.R.T. project.

Benefits of Certification:

Upon certification, the artist will be awarded the NexGenHealth Energy Certification NEC(A).
They will receive:

Physical Certificate

A physical certificate to frame and hang.

Virtual Certification

A virtual certification badge to display on a website or post in social media.

NEC(A) Credentials

Be granted the use of NEC(A) as post-nominal letters to use after their name, which tells the world they are NexGenHealth Energy Certified, and that their work contributes to the evolution of humanity.


A profile on the NexGenHealth website, highlighting their artwork and bio, as a means to further promote their art and support their future endeavours.

Online Gallery

An opportunity to have their work selected to be showcased in the RADDical A.R.T. Collection and posted in the RADDical A.R.T online gallery.

Social Media Visibility

An opportunity to do a social media takeover, to help generate visibility for their work, and more awareness for the cause and message their art is supporting.

Join Our Community

The opportunity to join a community of like-minded artists and other professionals, and to collaborate on future projects to help grow their social impact footprint!

Opportunity To Deepen The Human Experience

An opportunity to deepen their human experience, learning more about the nature of the universe and how art can play a powerful role in the evolution and success of humanity.

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